Ein Buch für alle Sinne

Interessante Konzeptstudie des MIT Media Lab mit dem Ziel, dass Bücher alle unsere Sinne ansprechen, um so eine noch stärkere Wirkung zu entfalten:

Sensory fiction is about new ways of experiencing and creating stories.

Traditionally, fiction creates and induces emotions and empathy through words and images. By using a combination of networked sensors and actuators, the Sensory Fiction author is provided with new means of conveying plot, mood, and emotion while still allowing space for the reader’s imagination.
While the project explores new ways of reading with digital augmentations, this is not a product idea but rather an exploration in the context of Science Fiction stories. It is an artifact meant to provoke discussions.

For full documentation visit: scifi2scifab.media.mit.edu/2013/12/19/sensory-fiction/
more photos on: flickr.com/photos/38088189@N07/sets/72157638927649876/

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