Nadia & Piotr: We love to send books on blind dates

Die folgenden sechs Fragen unserer Interview-Reihe werden seit 2009 regelmäßig von den unterschiedlichsten Köpfen der Buchbranche beantwortet und die Interviews werden hier im Blog veröffentlicht. Dadurch entstehen Beiträge, die zum einen Aufmerksamkeit auf jene lenken, die “was mit Büchern machen”, und die zum anderen die Veränderungen und Herausforderungen in den verschiedenen Bereichen der Branche sichtbar werden lassen. Wenn Sie ebenfalls teilnehmen möchten, senden Sie Ihre Antworten und ein Bild von Ihnen bitte an Leander Wattig. Als Inspirationsquelle könnten Ihnen die bisherigen Interviews dienen. (Jedoch behalte ich mir vor, nicht alle Zusendungen zu veröffentlichen.)

Nadia & PiotrWer sind Sie und was machen Sie mit Büchern?

Once upon a time, there was a book hidden on a shelf that has never seen sunlight. Hundreds of thousands of words locked inside were buzzing from dusk till dawn craving freedom. Everything changed on a quiet Wednesday afternoon. Loving hands rescued it from the shelf, wrapped it up and sent it on a blind date with an enthusiastic book lover. It was love at first sight. The book lover and the book have been living happily ever after.

At we are all about books. Visionaries or dreamers, we think that readers can interact with books differently. We launched this nonprofit community project to spice up the reading habits of our fellow Berliners and to bring the local businesses closer to the vibrant community of bookworms.

This is how it works:

  • We lovingly wrap a book which is now almost ready to go on a blind date;
  • We label it nicely to hint at the genre, feel or plot (not too much though – it’s a blind date after all)
  • We map secret pick-up locations via Twitter and Google Maps
  • We drop it off at a local business

If you are curious to learn more about the people behind the project, we are Nadia and Piotr and both of us have a soft spot for books. Nadia likes stocking bookshelves with books from flea markets and Piotr likes giving books away to friends and lovely strangers. We make a good team, don’t we?

Wie sieht ein typischer Arbeitstag bei Ihnen aus?

Let’s face it, running a project like does not pay you a salary. Apart from our passion for wrapping books, we make a living working at a social tech business (Piotr) and at an international development consultancy (Nadia). In the evenings, however, even after the sun sets behind the pointy Berlin skyline, you can usually find us developing our own ideas, hand-picking books and spreading the word about them.

Wie hat sich Ihre Arbeit über die Zeit verändert?

Please ask us in 6 months and we promise to tell you every little detail 🙂

Was ist ein Problem bei Ihrer Arbeit, für das Sie eine Lösung suchen?

Running a small but dynamic nonprofit project is a job that has you constantly wondering why are there only 24 hours in a day?! Obviously, we are absolutely passionate about our work and would like to spend more time doing things that matter most – like sending curious readers on blind dates with books.

Book worms as we are, we have investigated the above-mentioned time constraint dilemma. It turns out that these were the ancient Egyptians who first introduced the 24 hour day. Also back then, PM and AM had a different length and varied with the seasons. It might well be that one of our future book dates will tell you more about this.

Wer sollte Sie ggf. kontaktieren – welche Art von Kontakten wäre zurzeit hilfreich für Sie?

We are relatively new to the local book scene in Berlin and are happy about all kinds of dialogues. Please feel free to shoot us an email even if you want to ask how did our first book date go.

Now, a dash of important stuff. To keep bookflaneur-ing going we constantly need new books. Perhaps there are a couple of books lying around on your shelves that you might consider donating? No effort on your end required – we come over to you and collect any books you would like to send on a date.

Wo finden wir Sie im Internet?

If you took a fancy to our little project (and we secretly hope this is the case) you can stay up-to-date with all the exciting stuff coming up by liking us on Facebook, following on Twitter, pinning on Pinterest or +1 on Google Plus. Have a wonderful time bookflaneur-ing!

Vielen Dank für Ihre Zeit!

Bildquelle: Nadia & Piotr

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